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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Opinion Column: The Person Inside

My very first task on the staff of The Daily Californian was as Opinion Columnist. 

My weekly column "The Person Inside" (total of 10 articles) was published on Thursdays both in Print and Online and spoke of my lived experiences with Autism. 

A full list of the articles in this series is below.

0. Introducing the Daily Cal Opinion Columnists

In this introductory video, the other opinion columnists and I explain what our columns are about. My introduction starts at 3:19

Introducing the Daily Cal Opinion Columnists


1. Communication Conundrum

I speak on the importance of communication and presuming competence

2. NonVerbal and College Bound

I ask what does it take for a non-speaking autistic like me to access higher education. 

3. Sensory Walkabout. 

I write about the way many of us autistics experience our environment in quite a different and quite an 'extra-ordinary' way.  

4. The Women in My Life

A tribute to the women in my life who gave that extra helping hand. 

5. First Transitions

I explain the rigidity and difficulty with transitions that can be characteristics of autism

6. Stephen Hawking: Inspiration and Aspiration

Along with the world, I mourned the passing of Dr. Stephen Hawking. A tribute and how he influenced my life. 

7. The Access Ramp to Volunteering

Lives whether abled or (dis)abled have to be worth living. The importance of volunteering vs just being the recipient of volunteering. 

8. Compulsion Complexity

I explain the phenomenon of obsessive-compulsive and repetitive behaviors that can often accompany autism. 

9. O Body, Where Art Thou?

The lack of Body Awareness is a little known phenomenon in autism. I attempt to explain the neuroscience. 

10. The Faces of Autism

If you meet one person with autism, you have met just one person with autism. The same diagnosis can have a thousand faces. 

The Faces of Autism

If you meet one person with autism, you have met just one person with autism. The same diagnosis can have a thousand faces. 

This is the last of my series of 10 articles for my weekly opinion column "The Person Inside" for the Daily Californian. 

O Body, Where Art Thou?

The lack of Body Awareness is a little known phenomenon in autism. I attempt to explain the neuroscience. 

This is the ninth of my series of 10 articles for my weekly opinion column "The Person Inside" for the Daily Californian. 

Compulsion Complexity

In the Daily Cal 2 years back.

I explain the phenomenon of obsessive-compulsive and repetitive behaviors that can often accompany autism. 

This is the eighth of my series of 10 articles for my weekly opinion column "The Person Inside" for the Daily Californian.