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My research interests

Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

A Guiness Record

Bragging Rights on the first day at UC Berkeley

Day 1 of Golden Bear Orientation for the incoming class of 9500 students
The incoming class got to participate in a Guinness World Record Event for the largest human letter. Took a few hours to form the letter inside Memorial Stadium. We were in line for a couple of hours outside the stadium waiting to get in. I'm somewhere in the bottom of the letter C.

Suite Seats for the Ball Game

SF Giants vs Oakland A's at AT&T Park last Thursday. Giants won 11-2. 
What an amazing suite level seats to see the game. The view from up there is amazing.
Thank you David and his parents Linda and Gary for inviting us. 
I totally loved the experience.

for older posts see my old blog journal4hari.blogspot.com

for older posts see my old blog journal4hari.blogspot.com