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What's Wrong with the News?

I had to write a persuasive essay for school, just before the winter break. Just got it back after it was graded by my teacher. Score 100/100 - cool! 

We first had to pick a topic, then write a plan then then write a draft. . The our teacher had us submit the essay to a site called turnitin.com which checks the essay for plagarism. Then we had to submit our essays to her

What’s Wrong with the News?
(Violence, a consequence of  TV News!)

We were in the airport departure lounge for a mere 40 minutes. The same news channel was on all of the half-dozen TV screens all around. Two rapes, a murder and a teacher's affair with a minor student! All in rapid succession -one after the other!  The graphic images of these violent acts carried on in the viewer's mind, long after the news program was done. I now get why my family does not watch much TV news anymore!

When did news morph from "information" to "all that's violent in the world"? Why not just call them crime reports or sensational reports.

One may well argue that "crimes" and other such "news", needs to be reported, just so that people are aware of the injustices of the world. That it is, in fact, a moral obligation. Indeed, many efforts to rectify problems arise from our awareness of their existence in the world. Would the rest of the world been aware of the Tiananmen Square massacre of student protestors (instances of human rights abuse), if they had not been seen it on the news? Freedom struggles throughout the world have benefited from the exposure of their issues on TV. In that sense, such exposure is noteworthy. 

However, since when did positives stop being newsworthy? Surely, the entire human population (or even a subset of your city) is not engaged in heinous acts 24x7. Does a "positive" have to cross the threshold of "sensational" to become newsworthy?  Man, a social animal, is constantly shaped and conditioned by what he sees, hears and is exposed to. Can this constant and focused bombardment of crime and negativity be   positive for the psyche of our society? Have we thought through its implications?  And we wonder why crime and violence is on the rise in our cities. According to the Senate Judiciary Committee Report, 1999, "Television alone is responsible for 10% of youth violence."

Truth be told, this constant diet of violent images is desensitizing our minds to the act of violence itself. As each mental threshold to violent images is crossed, the networks seek out and display, even greater violent images. Violence has acquired lighter shades of gray, where it's "acceptable" or even "ok".

There has been much talk of legislative regulation of media violence with regards to its effect on children. This has been the result of studies focused on children’s entertainment programs – movies, games, cartoons etc. Such initiatives are indeed commendable. Shockingly, such statistics and guidelines on TV violence do not include the “news." Parents are given guidelines (PG 13 etc) for “fictional” programming. However, the V-chip on newer TVs (which blocks transmission of violent programs into homes), does not take into consideration news and sports programs. Are we sending confusing signals, when it comes to the news programs? Is this violence "ok," because its “real-life,” compared to violence in other programming? 

Invariably, children do end up seeing a lot of violence via news programming. Even if it's limited at home, it's on the TV monitors at the gym (even places like the family friendly YMCA), at restaurants, and yes, even the airport. And one does come across the news inadvertently, when looking for other programs on TV. According to Dr Juliette H. Walma van der Molen(1)  , “children depend heavily on television news to stay informed.” 

Just this month, a fifteen year old held his classmates hostage, and finally killed himself. It was widely reported and analyzed on the news. Are you surprised? Such incidents no longer seem like random acts of violence. Indeed, it could well be that the continual influence of violent images psychologically leads to more mental disturbances and aggression. Studies have indeed confirmed these effects.  For instance, Huesmann et al (2)  observed “short-term aggressive behavior” (due to heightened arousal processes) and long-term learning of violent-scripts” (after repeated exposure to violence on the news)”. Since the “real-world” is presented as constantly violent on the news, children feel justified in being aggressive themselves, as a means of conflict-resolution.

What about it's effects on adults? The human life span extends a good 8-9 decades. A good portion of the human life is spent in adulthood. Can the human mind sustain such incessant bombardment? Just as we are told about the power of positive thinking, it is possible that the reverse (negative behaviors) may be the effect of negative thinking brought on by incessant negative images. A study done by Tamyra Pierce(3)  , showed that repeated use of words like, “shoot, kill, gun etc. by the media, triggered aggressive thoughts in insecure individuals.” 

Crime, violence and negativity make for a "Good News Day!" News programs seem to relish dissecting and analyzing every gory detail of each crime and spend an inordinate number of hours on doing so. Newscasters seem more to try to influence viewers by interjecting their views, or those of "agreeing" experts, than give facts, which is what "news" was supposed to be about.

Sadly, violence has now become an addiction of sorts for our society. We have lost empathy and have become insensitive to acts of violence. We crave to see more and hear more of it. Its influence pervades all aspects of our life. And as with all addicts, we are in a state of denial about our addiction.

In recent times, the only real positive news that took up significant news airtime was the Miners rescue in South America. It was indeed a fine example of the Humanity of Mankind at its best. As a society, we need to re-look and re-examine what “news” really means. If it is a show about trying to influence people’s views and filled with “expert” opinions, it should not be called “news” at all, and should be subject to the same regulations as any entertainment programming. 

Furthermore, news itself need not be negative-centric and need not be extreme. Above all, it should not be sensational-oriented.  Awareness of issues can be brought about without excessive rhetoric and excessive use graphic images, which have such severe negative psychological effects on society.  We also need a good dose of the “positives” to balance the psychological load.   If TV news were more representative of a fair balance, inclusive of the positives of society, and less sensational, would there not be less violence in our society?

How can we bring about this change? Simple action by individuals cumulates into compound results on society. There are the traditional forms such as letters to the editor and letters to your congressman. With the power of the today’s Internet, one can take a single opinion or issue out to millions and help bring about change fairly rapidly.  It takes but a single drop of snow to start an avalanche.

Man as a race, has overcome many an obstacle that has come in the way in the past. There have been periods in our civilization when we have wandered off the main path, but we have always found a way back and have managed to correct some of the wrongs. Man as a race, will continue to do so in the future. That is the power of the Homo-Sapien mind! We can find solutions if we put our mind to it.

- Hari Srinivasan 

1. Walma van der Molen PhD, Juliette H; “Violence and Suffering in Television News: Towards a Broader Conception of Harmful Television Content for Children” (Department of Communication, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

2. Huesmann LR, Moise-Titus J, Podolski CL, Eron LD. Longitudinal relations between children’s exposure to TV violence and their aggressive and violent behavior in young adulthood: 1977–1992. Dev Psychol.2003; 39 :201 –221

3. Violent News Coverage is Triggering Additional Violence

4. National Crime Prevention Council “ Violence in the News”

5. KidsHealth.org, School Violence and the News

6. Violence of TV: The Desensitizing of America

Interactions with Planet X

Interactions with Planet X
(So you want to help, but have no clue) 

My fellow Teens, 

You all probably know some people with disabilities. After all, it's fairly commonplace now. Words like Autism, Downs Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy abound in the news. You probably even feel sorry for them. But honestly, even a truckload of pity is not much use. 

You probably are also "initially freaked out" at meeting people with disabilities. (This is a direct quote from a high school volunteer I know.) Maybe you want to help, but have no idea how and what. 

Consider:- Once upon a time, we were all babies. Our life track was defined - preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, job etc. 

A UCSD  sophomore was speaking of his college experiences to our class last week. Many of his friends from Cupertino schools are with him in college, so his social circle remained somewhat homogeneous.  That had greatly aided his transition from the small school setting to life on an enormous college campus. I imagine it will be the same for most of you. Most of you probably have friends you've known all your life and who will be with you in college. 

Some of those babies however, ended up on a path that wandered off into the wilderness of disability. Years of therapy helped some get back onto a more typical path, especially if the right therapy was done at the right time with the right set of people who knew what to do. But there is no set formula and not everyone made a full or even partial turnaround. But biologically, the bodies kept growing and voila, they became Teens with Disabilities!

I speak not just for myself, but for all the others I've observed over the years. 

The therapy years are behind most teens, parents are exhausted and most therapists are giving up. Not an attractive picture! 

Many are headed into Homes and "residential facilities" after high school. Some are already in Homes. I had 3 classmates in 5th grade who came from a Home. The only time they got to go out, was if the school did outings, as the Home did not do that. All that my classmate Johnny ate at every meal, was cheese pizza - how healthy is that? Others, I know - post 18 and Indian - live at home with their parents. 

A few may make it to community college or even a university. A fortunate few may even end up doing a job they like and lead independent lives. But there are always additional hurdles at every step. 

Expectations are not high at this point.  Job training programs, at most, target low level jobs. How exciting will it be to toss burgers, especially if intellectually you are capable of so much more? Frustration rides high, and this translates into more behavioral issues. As it is, being a Teen is an emotional roller-coaster for most of you. Just add on a whole suitcase of emotional and physical struggles! 

Your world will open out as you go into college and beyond, while those of individuals with disabilities, may well narrow down. More doors shut with age. Ironically after age 22, govt. assistance and programs reduce significantly - just when we need it most. 

We're surrounded by adults a lot; but most are paid therapists who last just 1-2 years. There is a high turnover of people, which is very emotionally distressing. Working and assisting teens or adults is not considered a desirable profession, so one cannot expect any intelligent company either, going forward. 

Quality of Life however, goes beyond just basic care. It becomes a  'Lonely Planet X.’

So what was the point of telling you these depressing scenarios?

It is said that friends influence your character?  This is the area that individuals with disabilities really fall short on. It's going to be a bigger problem going forward, as more of this growing population of children with disabilities become adults. 

It is less your money that is needed, and more your humanity. 

And it is not just about playing board games once a month at a center. That gets real boring by the 3rd month. And irritating by the 6th month, because by then the same games start to feel like therapy. And teens (disabled or not) don't want to be subjected to preschool activities like circle-time! Oh the sheer indignity of having preschool circle-time in some of the Special Ed classrooms, years after our typical peers had stopped doing them. Are you surprised that many adults with disabilities still listen to Barney and Sesame Street?

It is about getting involved in their lives. Being involved does not mean being physically there all the time either. In today's Internet World, there are many avenues of communication - Facebook, email, text, a phone call etc...

Tell them about your own lives so that through you, they can learn and experience more. You will be surprised at the insights you get into your lives when viewed through their eyes.  Most are surprisingly sensitive and intelligent despite their outward body mannerisms.  A person may have cerebral palsy and be dependent on a wheelchair. They may not even be able to respond. But their minds will eagerly lap up information and conversation.  Don't expect responses, especially if the person has limited verbal skills - just be there.  They will never cease to amaze you or surprise you.

Get to know a few individuals and continue to be in their lives. The key is to be a constant presence over many years.  Don't be a therapist who moves onto another client in 1-2 years. 

Check in during your school vacations, and during your college vacations. Visit if you can. 

Include them in some of your physical activities. Are you or your friends in a musical performance, band, team or play? Invite them to these - you will find no better cheerleaders. Do you belong to a group of some sort – you could find ways to include them at least some of the time. What do you do with your typical friends - do you just "hang out and chill.”? You'd be amazed at how many teens with disabilities long to do this but don't have the opportunity. 

Don't assume they don't know academics just because they haven't been formally taught it. Academic subjects are just a matter of perspective sometimes. In light of other challenges, it just seems a lot more straightforward. Tell them about what you do - why you find certain subjects difficult or which teacher is really lousy or good. 

It’s pretty hard to abuse drugs, smoke or drink if you are disabled. So you will in fact, be keeping very good company. 

Be an advocate for them and watch out for them in their lives. Friends of this disabled adult I know on Facebook, keep tabs on her online activity to watch for online predators and the like. Most individuals will outlast their parents, so friends are important in their lives. As you become an adult, there will be many such opportunities for advocacy. Dealing with bureaucracy is tough for most; imagine the disabled adult who has to face it 24x7. 

Do you want to be inspired in your life to achieve and do great things? Look no further that the challenges they face. 

Consider - Pity is condescending, while Empathy and Friendship is Humanity. 

In the end, it's a win-win scenario for both. You will fulfill a real need and make a difference - you have done great Service. Your own character blossoms as well. Man is defined by his character, not by his wealth or his social status. You will be amazed at how these interactions will shape your life. 

Bring the Forgotten People on Lonely Planet X, back to the Humane Planet Earth. 

You may or may not choose to do something about this issue, or not be able to do so now. But perhaps you will later in your life. All this is Food for Thought.