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Vocabulary or Literature or Composition?

This was a prompt for  my Literature class discussion.  

Prompt: Which is more important - Vocabulary, Literature or Composition?

Vocabulary is but a building block of language. But if you think of language as a means of communication amongst mankind, then the prosody of vocabulary merges seamlessly into the whole.  Vocabulary by itself,  is a mere component. 

Literature exposes us to works of the great writers –current and past. We learn their thoughts, their stories, and the strength of their imagination. Literature has greatly shaped our thinking process over the centuries. It is a reflection of culture, of society and delves into the possibilities.

Writers however, can start revolutions. Composition skills, allows us to be part of the force - one that can shape the world that is to come. We can influence, we can cajole, we can persuade, we can dissuade. In Literature we hear from others, but it is in composition, that others learn about you. Our unique experiences and thought processes can be brought out through composition.

We have truly to be vested in making our world a better place. Surely then, composition has to be the most important of the three.