

Atypical in the context of autism refers to behaviors, traits, or abilities that are not typical or common in non-autistics. Atypical behaviors can include things like repetitive movements, difficulty with social communication or interaction, sensory sensitivities, and intense interests or focus on specific topics.

The term "atypical" is used to describe these behaviors because they deviate from what is considered typical or expected in NTs.

However, it is important to note that the term "atypical" should not be used in a negative or stigmatizing way, as autistics have unique strengths and abilities that may not be considered typical but are still valuable and important.

Related TermsA Chara ,    Allistic,    Aspie,    Atypical,  Autistic Burnout,   Autistic Inertia,  Catatonia,   Crip Time,   Critical Disability Studies,   Disability Justice Movement,  Disability Rights Movement,   Disability Eugenics,   Feeble-Minded,   Imbecile,   Inspiration Porn,  Masking/Camoflauging,   Microaggressions,   Neurominority,   Ofa Ahi Latu,   R-Word,   Savant,   Spoon Theory,   Takiwatanga,  Trains,  Ubuntu,    Ugly Laws,   Upstander

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