Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

A need for affirming caregiver trainings for autistics

The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism:

Do you feel lonely even though you have people around you designated to help with day to day living? There is such a need for affirming caregiver trainings for #autistic people. Read this article written by @HariSri108

Isolation is a critical issue for Autistic adults

The pervasive loneliness of Autism

Sometimes, an article gets published that impacts me deeply on a personal level. Such is the case with this amazing article in Time magazine from the brilliant Hari Srinivasan

It opens: "Loneliness has long been a pervasive issue within the disability community, growing even more pronounced as individuals age...Ironically, relentlessly pursuing a disabled person’s greatest sign of “success”—independence—might be the very thing that’s setting many Autistics on a path towards profound loneliness and fragmented relationships."

Isolation is a critical issue for Autistic adults. It is often exacerbated by the pressure to "become an adult" and "live independently". Yet, Autistic individuals often find that their families are their only real support, but that societal norms stigmatize adults living with family.

Independence is a myth we are taught to chase in America when what we should be seeking to teach is interdependence.

No human lives independently. We all rely on other humans to get our needs and wants met. Whether we are talking about hiring an accountant to do your taxes, dropping your car off for an oil change, or having a person to assist with meal planning, it is all interdependence.

While striving for autonomy in adulthood is vital, it's also crucial to balance it with support and meaningful relationships with others. Acknowledging our innately human interdependent nature is essential if we intend to foster a more inclusive society for Autistics.

I highly recommend reading Hari's full piece below.

consequences of a fixed message

The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism

As always, I am so grateful for Hari’s wisdom and insights. As someone who stands in front of thousands of people a year, and talks about the need to foster and support independence, I am bowled over by the very real consequence of that fixed message. The singular goal of independence can, along with other factors, lead to the experience of profound loneliness. Rather than a focus on independence, the true focus should be on balance. Hari said it best with “But it’s also essential to recognize that advocating for meaningful connections and a more balanced approach to independence does not diminish the importance of autonomy. Striking a balance between independence and support is crucial for the well-being of autistic individuals.” Thank you, Hari Srinivasan, for yet another profound learning opportunity.


Strength Spotting Saturday

I was spotlighted along with some rather kind words by an org today on social media 

It's Strength Spotting Saturday, and today we're spotlighting Hari Srinivasan!

🌟Perspective - Mr. Srinivasan graciously shares his view of the world in a manner that is accessible to the general public. His contributions to the widely distributed Time Magazine increase the understanding and awareness of his lived experience.

🌟Perseverance - The achievements in scholarship demonstrated by Mr. Srinivasan are demonstrative of his perseverance. Honors in his undergraduate program at the University of California Berkeley and entrance into the prestigious neuroscience program at Vanderbilt University as a doctoral candidate are just a few of his achievements in higher education.

🌟Judgment - Mr. Srinivasan serves in many advisory roles, including membership of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, which advises federal policy and priorities, and on the Council of Autistics Advisors for the Autism Society of America. In these roles, he adeptly views different opinions and weighs the evidence to guide decision-making for the betterment of the autism community.

Societal Ideal of Independence

Independence = overrated! So many great points @TIME piece @HariSri108 

'The societal ideal of independent living for [#autistic people] translates to living apart + being surrounded instead by a series of paid support staff'

A cycle of dependency

Congratulations. Hari. This is such a moving piece that sheds light on the unspoken experience many endure. I love how you conclude with " actuality, all humans live in a cycle of dependency. The perceived division between independence and dependence is a flawed notion." 

An incisive perspective

"This piece really hit home Hari. Thank you for writing it and offering such a thoughtful, nuanced, and incisive perspective. Gives us a lot to think about regarding how to achieve more balance."

A Cycle of Dependency

 The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism:
As an educator and transition specialist for individuals on the Autism spectrum,this article was eye opening and SO informative. A perspective that needs to be addressed.

The last paragraph summarizes it-“…all humans live in a cycle of dependency. The perceived division between independence and dependence is a flawed notion. Embracing this truth could pave the way for a more inclusive society that transcends the limitations of societal norms and helps us build better support systems that result in enduring human social connections for people with autism.”

A necessary shift from giving our ASD population needed independent- at what cost? This independence, which could create isolation-to true relationships of family and friends not support staff. Instead, finding ways to create community with people that have common interests. And keeping family close.

Thank you Hari Srinivasan for this insight. We can all grow from knowledge.

List of Publications:

The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism

The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism:

Hari Srinivasan , Neuroscience PhD Candidate and likely one of the most powerful and inspiring advocates for autistic and disabled people, writes a truly powerful essay in Time magazine this week.

Please read.

He makes the connection between US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy ‘s highlighting of the loneliness epidemic and the lived experience of autistic people.

As a physician, whose dedicated my career to innovating on the systems we use to treat adults and children with complex conditions, I can see much of what Hari is pointing to in the great number of inspiring people whose disabilities require extensive hands-on support I’ve work with

The loneliness epidemic

And its particular relationship with physical and cognitive disability
In both young people
And older people

Also has a relationship to healthcare worker burnout.

Hari states :

“As someone who has autism, I’ve experienced a revolving door of over a 100 support staff—and I plan on living for many more years. The reality is that any person with autism is a client, a case, a job to the people they tend to interact with most—and that’s not the same as family or friends.”

As a professional member and leader in the types of organizations that serve as that “revolving door of support support”, this statement stings.


He’s right.

In the end, we paid caregivers who are employed by outside agencies, while we are essential for the dignity, safety, and comfort of people affected by disability

We can never truly replace the universal need for stable and supportive family and caring community.

Yet, those of us attracted to the caring professions, especially those of us focused on people with disabilities and complex conditions,

Chose caring professions because

We Care.

Yet we must have the humility to understand the role we must play in our clients’ lives,

we can’t,
no matter how much we long to,
replace true caring local communities and family structures

Seeking to do so only worsens our burnout as professionals and adds to this “ pervasive loneliness “ of disabled individuals

We can’t medicalize all society’s problems
Even if many of society’s problems have significant health consequences.

Loneliness is a real issue
Epidemic levels of crisis
With real health consequences

But it has its roots in the weakening of social ties within local communities and the families those local communities support

And the macroeconomic and microeconomic and cultural circumstances that affect those social bonds

Public policy
Cultural movements
And entrepreneurial enterprises

Outside of healthcare

That strengthen local communities
Enable families to stay close
And strongly affirm the inclusion of people who are disabled
physically, cognitively, or behaviorally
at whatever age

Are what is needed to address this,

Not just placing another social problem on the backs of burnt out healthcare workers

#disability #autism #loneliness #healthcareinnovation #burnout

Full list of my publications:

Metaphorical Mic Drop!

Hari what a wonderful piece in Time - every paragraph was a metaphorical mic drop!

Really good points - you put into words a lot of what I’ve been thinking about as a self advocate and as a clinician

My other articles in Time:

Thought Leader.

"So proud of Hari Srinivasan for his singular voice of insight, wisdom, advocacy, and activism, and for the distinction he brings to himself and everyone with whom he is associated. The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation | Vanderbilt University is honored to count Hari among its distinguished Fellows and it is awesome to imagine what the future holds for this inspiring young thought leader."

Some amazing gracious words about me from Prof Keivan Staussun of Vanderbilt University and Director of the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation at Vanderbilt. Thank you Keivan, and I had never quite though of myself as a "thought leader."

FCAI NISE Fellow Hari Srinivasan Pens Second Op-Ed for Time Magazine

FCAI NISE Fellow Hari Srinivasan Pens Second Op-Ed for Time Magazine

Posted by stasikjs on Friday, January 5, 2024 in FCAI News.

On January 3rd, 2024, Frist Center for Autism and Innovation Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering Fellow Hari Srinivasan published his second article in Time magazine, entitled “The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism”.

In this thought-provoking article, Srinivasan discusses how the epidemic of loneliness disproportionally effects the autistic population, and is only exacerbated by U.S. notions of independent living being the ideal.

Well done Hari, for another amazing piece of work!

Read Hari’s article here.

We reported on Hari’s previous Time article here.

Two articles in Time

 Oh my. I have 2 articles in Time now. So super cool. 

Time - The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism

 Time: The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism

My article in Time where I discuss the paradox of independence and loneliness in Autism. 


What an insightful and well written article. I applaud you! As a pediatrician I too have felt frustrated with the limited information we have to provide parents and children once they receive a diagnosis of Autism. Interestingly, I have noticed that many of my patients with Autism are gifted with almost "special" abilities. For some it is art, for others music for others it is academics. I had 2 patients that went on to study aerospace engineering and amazed me with their knowledge in the office. I have always felt that as a society we should expose children with autism to a vast array of things and concepts to see what resonates with them and then nurture that, instead of forcing them to conform to "how we think children should be". It would be interesting to create a longitudinal study that follows children after a diagnosis over a lifetime to see what helped them develop their skills (parenting styles, conventional schooling and therapies, unconventional..) I feel like with the diagnosis of Autism there is so much we don't know and so much we can learn from them too. Its like untapping parts of the brain we never knew existed. I wish you luck on your advocacy efforts and agree 100%!